Java tutorial Hello world and String

 Hello guys today is the continuos of our Java programming tutorials let us stay in touch till the end.

As we did earlier we installed java SDK on our computers so as we can run java codes on them also we installed IntelliJ where we can write java codes through it.


So today we are going to start with HELLO WORLD PROGRAM we are going to write hello world with java syntax (Java language). Play careful Java programming language is a case sensitive language so watch out

Before we write the line code there are things to note in Java we have a class, a method, and a function


A class it’s where the method and function stay take an example of your classroom its where teacher and students stay write that’s the same as a class in java language.


A method its where a function is located always remember a function must stay inside of a method it’s also like an exercise book you will never have your writings on air they must stay on an exercise book or paper then that’s a method.


A function the codes are written here so as to perform a specific task according to the codes written as the word defines it function hence we input functions for the program to perform. Now here is where your hands get dirty. It’s where programmers test their skills, anyway everything its easy no need of freaking out.   


Simply we have this syntax on java language


public class Helloworld{

                public static void main (String[] args){

                System.out.println(“HELLO WORLD”); //prints hello world on the screen.



It might sound crazy but that’s java don’t you worry we have a video elaborating in case you won’t understand. Okay java has a lot of codes meaning you must write a lot for a simple thing but why don’t you enjoy it's easy, let we move to the meaning of the codes



public means the class is public it can be referenced on somewhere else just understand that for now not to complicate things.

class, it’s a word that shows the line of code it’s a class and nothing else.

Helloworld is the name of the class you can put anything else but programmers like specifying the name of the class to the function for quick remembering.


                THE METHOD PART

public means that the method is public hence it can be called anywhere else.

static meaning that the method does not change it is simple as the English word keeps that for now also you will understand more as we continue.

Void it simply mean that there is no something to return hence through the name void we mean nothing is returned through the method.

Main is a method type that is understood by the computer that is the main method.

(String[] args) these are parameters they are written inside the brackets we will describe them later.


                THE FUNCTION PART

System.out.println make this as a single word for quick understand the word system we specified that the computer or any device running the java code should take out(the code word) print it means it should be printed on screen ln means a line

Okay let we now join the words system.out.println the device should print a line on screen we had the brackets remember with quotations (“HELLO WORLD”). SO hello world will be printed on to the screen.

Let I clarify something not to mislead you the // symbol means a comment is never executed on the code.




 watch the video from here



Today also we will learn about String don’t get exhausted it’s the last part for today and I will provide a link to the video that will clarify today's concept



STRING is an object representing a sequence of characters. Examples of a string can be your name, your city, your country name.

Java.lang.string is a class used for the string but there is no much need of concentrating on that for now

REMEMBER: String are always written in quotation marks “STRING GOES HERE” once you place anything inside the marks they are regarded as a string in java language.

                EXAMPLE OF A CODE


                public class String_class{

                                public static void main (String[] args){

                                String name = “MOODY”;

                                System.out.println(“MY NAME IS” + name);



// this will print MY NAME IS MOODY on the screen.


Well I have already explained about the codes up there good I think you do remember.

Here are some that I didn’t explain.

String is the type of data I mentioned earlier

name meaning the string name that we referenced to the System.out.println

= meaning string name equals to MOODY (REMEMBER THE ; SYMBOL)

+ means that the word printed on the screen will be added up with the string



 watch the video through here


